The Rakuten Advertising Coupon Feed API is provided by the Rakuten Advertising API Developer Portal. Visit the portal for a complete list of the APIs we offer.
Use the Coupon Feed API to access to your advertisers’ coupon and promotional link data. These coupons and promotional links undergo extensive quality assurance validation by our network to ensure accuracy and credibility.
You can customize the Coupon API calls to include any or a combination of the following:
- Filter results by category.
- Filter results by promotion type.
- Filter results by network.
- Filter results by advertiser.
- Setting the maximum number of results per page.
- Specify the page number of results.
- Submitting queries with multiple values.
Success Tip
The Coupon Feed API provides only coupons, which have a coupon code, and promotional creative, which does not have coupon codes. For advertiser information and creative, use the Link Locator API.
You can test the web service in the portal. Use your Publisher Dashboard login credentials to log in.
You need the API access token to make a successful call. View instructions for retrieving an API access token.
Technical Information
The Coupon Feed API currently supports only XML format and returns a maximum of 500 results.
You can submit multiple values for all parameters in Coupon Feed API calls except resultsperpage and pagenumber. The character “|” is the delimiter for multiple values. Multiple values passed within a parameter are treated as an OR condition.
Start and end dates and times are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This applies across all networks. If a coupon is used that has an offerstartdate that is after the current time through the Coupon Feed API, the API will function with such inputs but there will not be any results. This is because promotions are not active in advance.
For More Information
Learn about the Coupon Feed API’s methods, resources, parameters, and other details in the Developer Portal. If you have additional questions, contact Customer Support.
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