Run Reports


You can run various reports from the Reporting Interface to track and analyze the activity in your affiliate program.


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Access the Reporting Interface

You can access the Reporting Interface from the Publisher Dashboard and the Insights and Analytics Portal (IAP):

1. From the Dashboard: 2. From IAP:
  1. Go to Reports in the navigation header.
  2. Click Performance.

Run Reports

Once you are in the Reporting Interface, follow these steps to run a report:

  1. Click Choose Report to select a standard report or a customized report you have saved. Otherwise, click Build a new report to create your own.
  2. Click the Date Range button to set date parameters. When setting parameters, you can:
    • Run the report for any date range up to three years in the past.
    • Compare any two date ranges within one report.
    • View year-over-year data for a date range of up to one year.
    • Run a report by any time zone. The default is GMT.
    • Run the report by the date the consumer made the purchase, called the transaction date, or the date the advertiser sent the data to us, called the process date.
  3. Click the View Report button to run the report. This shows data for all the basic columns of the report you selected.

Data is displayed in the Summary Panel and in grid form. You can also visualize the information with a graph.

Next Steps

Once the report is running, you can:

  • Customize the report by adding or removing columns.
  • Save a customized report for future access.
  • Click Add Filter to organize data by what is relevant to your business, such as unique publishers or groups, publisher performance over a specific threshold, specific links, and more.
  • Save a CSV file of the report by clicking the View Report drop-down menu and selecting Download CSV.
  • Schedule reports to be sent to you and other recipients.
  • Get a report's API so you can run it without logging in to the dashboard.
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