The transaction inquiries system allows you to submit information about sales or orders referred by your site that do not appear as credited in your reports.
You can submit transaction inquiries in your Publisher Dashboard, individually or in bulk. This article outlines the process for submitting transaction inquiries in bulk. If you need to submit ten or fewer inquiries, you can do so individually.
Follow these steps to get started:
- Go to Account in the navigation menu and click Transaction Inquiries.
- Click Add New Inquiry.
- Navigate to the Bulk Upload tab. This will open a three-step workflow to support the process.
Step 1: Select File
You will first be prompted to upload a file of your transaction inquiries. Click Download file template to prepare your import file. This template contains all the columns needed to create your transaction inquiries; click the + for more information on the columns:
Once a file is uploaded, we are going to check two aspects of your file:
- The file must be saved in a CSV format.
- The file must be less than 10MB in size.
If either of those requirements is missed, you will see an error message and cannot proceed to Step 2.
You can only submit one file at a time.
Step 2: Error Check
In Step 2, the transaction inquiry system checks the data inside your CSV file for missing data or formatting errors that will prevent us from uploading it. If any errors are present, you must go back to Step 1 and upload a new file.
These are the errors our system will check for and the guidance to fix those errors; click the + for more information:
Error description: There is a limit of 10,000 rows for this upload.
Solution: Split your file into increments of 10,000 or less.
Error description: The specified column must be in your file.
Solution: The required columns are: MID, Order ID, Order Date, and Order Amount
Error description: One or more values in the specified column exceed the limit of NUMBER characters.
Solution: The character limits for fields in this file are as follows:
- Order ID = 40
- Comments = 2000
Error description: One or more values in the MID column are improperly formatted. The value must be a positive whole number.
Solution: The MID is a whole number, typically 3-8 digits long.
Error description: One or more rows in the Order Date column are improperly formatted. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Solution: In Excel, use Format Cells to convert to our accepted date format.
Error description: One or more values in the Order Amount column are improperly formatted. The value must be a number with up to two decimal places.
Solution: The Order Amount can be a whole number or a number with up to two decimal places.
For Japan, the Order Amount must be a whole number.
Error description: One or more rows contain a transaction date that occurred less than seven days ago.
Solution: The Order Date must be at least seven days in the past, so the advertiser has a fair opportunity to report it.
Error description: One or more rows contain a transaction date over 180 days in the past.
Solution: The Order Date cannot be more than 180 days in the past.
If our system does not detect any errors in your file, you will see a green confirmation message and be able to proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Upload File
This step displays an overview of what the system sees in the file and what will be sent off for processing. That overview includes:
- A count of rows in the file.
- The names of the columns that will be imported.
- The names of any columns that will not be imported.
If you see a column listed that will not import, it is either because:
- The column name is not recognized. Be sure to use the column names provided in the template.
- The column is not relevant to this upload.
You do not need to act on any of these columns unless you believe this to be an error. Our system will automatically remove the columns before processing the file.
When you are satisfied, click Upload File.
File Processing
When a file is submitted for processing, our system checks the Order ID and MID associated with each transaction inquiry to determine what will happen with each one.
These are the possible results as the system checks whether the Order ID you entered exists for the MID you specified; click the + for more information:
Scenario: If the Order ID is not in our system for that MID, a new transaction inquiry is created.
Transaction Inquiry: Unresolved
Transaction Inquiry Resolution:
Scenario: The Order ID exists in our system for that MID, and the sale was attributed to your SID.
Transaction Inquiry: Denied
Transaction Inquiry Resolution: Auto Resolved
Look for 'Processed in Reports with Transaction Date of DD-MM-YY' in the comments on the detail page.
Scenario: The Order ID exists in our system for that MID, but the sale was attributed to a different publisher.
Transaction Inquiry: Denied
Transaction Inquiry Resolution: Auto Resolved
Look for "Transaction Referred by Another Affiliate" in the comments on the detail page.
These are the possible results if the system finds that you already have a transaction inquiry for the Order ID or MID, depending on the status of that transaction inquiry; click the + for more information:
Scenario: You already have an approved transaction inquiry for this Order ID or MID.
Transaction Inquiry: Approved
Transaction Inquiry Resolution: Look for "Processed in Reports with Transaction Date of DD-MM-YY" in the comments on the detail page.
Scenario: You already have a transaction inquiry for this Order ID or MID that is unresolved.
Transaction Inquiry: N/A
Transaction Inquiry Resolution: The new transaction was discarded. It is no longer in the system.
Scenario: You already have a denied transaction inquiry for this Order ID or MID.
Transaction Inquiry: N/A
Transaction Inquiry Resolution: The new transaction was discarded. It is no longer in the system.
Processing can take up to eight hours.
Next Steps
Once processed, your new inquiries will be displayed on the Transaction Inquiries main page, where you can track their resolution. To see which inquiries were added to the system, apply an inquiry date filter on the page for the date the file was submitted.
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