Create a Single Transaction Inquiry


The transaction inquiries system allows you to submit information about sales or orders referred by your site that do not appear as credited in your reports.

You can submit transaction inquiries in your Publisher Dashboard, individually or in bulk. This article outlines the process for individually submitting between one and ten transaction inquiries. If you need to submit a higher number, you must import them in bulk.


Follow these steps to submit between one and ten transaction inquiries:

  1. Go to Account in the navigation header and click Transaction Inquiries.
  2. This takes you to the Transaction Inquiries main page. Click the Add New Inquiry button.
  3. Within the form, select the Advertiser from the drop-down menu or search for the advertiser by entering their name or MID.
  4. Enter the Order ID.
  5. Click Check Order ID, and the system will perform a search. The steps that follow depend on whether the Order ID you entered is in our system or not:
    1. In System: 2. Not in System:

    If the Order ID is in the system, you will receive one of the following messages:

    • Already Credited: We located this order, and you were already credited as the winning publisher. You cannot submit a transaction inquiry for the same order.
    • Credited to Another Publisher: We located this order, and another publisher has already received credit. You cannot submit a transaction inquiry for the same order.
    • Existing Transaction Inquiry: An inquiry cannot be filed because you already have an unresolved transaction inquiry on this Order ID with the advertiser. Please refer to Inquiry # XXXXX for more information.
    • Denied Transaction Inquiry: An inquiry cannot be filed because you already submitted a transaction inquiry on this Order ID, and it was denied by the advertiser. Please refer to Inquiry # XXXXX for more information.

Next Steps

Your newly created inquiry will be displayed on the Transaction Inquiries main page, where you can track its resolution.

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