Common Questions About the New Publisher Dashboard (Beta)


Read an overview of the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) for key new highlights.

New Dashboard Language

What languages is the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) available in?
Options include US English, UK English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, and Italian.
How can I switch the language of the New Publisher Dashboard (beta)?
The current language is indicated in the footer at the bottom of any dashboard page. To change your language, click on the nine-dot menu at the top right of the page. Then click View profile and scroll down to the User Preferences to select the desired language. 
Is the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) integrated with the Help Center?
Yes, we have a new Help Center with hundreds of articles that provide general information or are specifically related to the new interface and workflow. A Support button also allows you to request a live chat directly from the dashboard with customer support.
What does “beta” mean?
Beta releases allow Rakuten Advertising to deliver new product features to customers faster by involving them in the development process and gathering feedback before finalizing the product. This ensures that the final product meets user needs, paving the way for adoption and future innovations.
Remember that the new dashboard is in Beta. Your feedback can shape the future of the product. Use the Feedback feature to share your input.

Migrating to the New Dashboard

What is the purpose of the one-time migration step?
If you have an existing Legacy Publisher Dashboard account, your first log in to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) will prompt a one-time data migration. This migration ensures that historical performance and marketing channel data from the Legacy Dashboard are available in the New Dashboard, reducing the need to switch between the two dashboards.
What if I have more than one SID? Do I need to complete the migration for all SIDs individually?
All SIDs linked to the legacy account from which you initiate the migration to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) will have data ported to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) when you complete the first-time login migration step. You can toggle between SIDs in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) from the drop-down in the top right corner.
Once I have migrated, can I use this dashboard instead of the Legacy Dashboard to manage my account?
Yes. The New Publisher Dashboard (beta) makes building and growing partnerships easier with time-saving, intuitive workflows, mobile-responsive design, and machine learning enhancements.
Additionally, user management is only available in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta).

Functionality Comparison

What are the key profile setting changes?
The main update during the Beta enables you to add Google Analytics (GA) to your site. Through GA, we can provide real-time site metrics, delivering a view of performance that advertisers can use to determine whether you are viable to partner with.
What are the key changes to advertiser details pages, and what do I have access to?
Along with the updated user interface, we have updated the information architecture to be more intuitive. We have also added three recommendations of other advertisers based on the currently viewed advertiser vertical.
What changes have been made to notifications?
The "beta" release’s user interface includes a new notification system. Notifications are open to all user roles. We built a robust notification framework to ensure that important updates, such as information about ITP, are not missed. This includes new notifications, including popups and banner notifications, complete with call-to-actions for you to learn more.
Are all the regular publisher reports and APIs in the current dashboard available in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta)?
The New Publisher Dashboard (beta) release embeds the existing Reporting Interface. This includes all associated reports that are part of that single-page application. APIs are available from links to the Developer Portal.
What functionalities are currently not supported in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta)?
  • Some link tools and link types.
  • Emails to or from advertisers.
How can I find contact details for advertiser programs?
You can find contact information in the About tab of an advertiser’s details page.

Using the New Dashboard

Can I access the Legacy Dashboard for any functionality that differs from the Legacy Publisher Dashboard? Will I miss out on currently available functions that the Legacy Dashboard has?
You can toggle between the Legacy Dashboard and the New Publisher Dashboard (beta). To return to the Legacy Dashboard, you can either:
  1. Open the previous browser tab for the Legacy Dashboard or
  2. Click on the Legacy Publisher Dashboard link in the nine-dot application switcher in the New Dashboard, as shown below:

    switch back to legacy.png

If I change account information in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta), will it carry over to the legacy Publisher Dashboard and vice versa?

Information is synced between the two dashboards.

Can I set up multiple profiles and settings per user?
The organization owner and administrators can create additional users and channels in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta).
Can I change users' permissions in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta)?
The organization owner and administrators can update user permissions and change the marketing channels users have access to.
Why do I not have the same user permissions in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) and the Legacy Publisher Dashboard?
The user roles and permissions assigned to those roles in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) differ from those in the Legacy Publisher Dashboard. View a comparison chart of legacy and new user roles.
Why can I not see all the users associated with my account in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) even though these users exist in the Legacy Publisher Dashboard?
Each user associated with a specific SID must migrate to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta). For example, if four users are associated with your account, all four must migrate. Once they do so, they will be visible to you.

Future State

Will the legacy Publisher Dashboard be going away?
The New Publisher Dashboard (beta) will eventually replace the Legacy Dashboard experience. The New Publisher Dashboard (beta) is built on a modern technology stack that will power faster innovation and iterative improvements over time.
We have not set a date for sunset and will ensure customer satisfaction and feature parity with the New Publisher Dashboard (beta) before sunset takes place.
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  • I activated the beta panel and I was left without all the programs associated with my account. Is there a solution or do I have to start from scratch with everything?

  • Pablo, I'm sorry to hear you had this issue. If you are still having problems, please click on the Support icon below right for immediate assistance.

  • How do I add my book to my publisher dashboard? I'd like to track sales and profits and such?

  • Julie, you will need to use the analytics from your book publisher to track earnings from your own book. If you want to use affiliate marketing to earn money as a publisher (or affiliate) in our Rakuten Advertising network, you will be promoting products or services from our network of advertisers on your own website or other social media sites. Read more here:


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