Signature Overview


Signature is an option that enables you to track and generate more detailed reports on the commerce activity of your sites. You can use it to get insights down to the transaction level of individual members, organizations, and subsites. You can also use it to analyze the success of various campaigns, for example by tracking different links in an email campaign. This makes it easy for you to track, manage, and optimize your comprehensive programs efficiently and cost-effectively.

View examples of ways publishers are using the Signature tracking option.

How It Works

Signature relies on a unique member ID of your choosing. This member ID represents each of your members, organizations, subsites, or any other item you want to track.

The member ID is denoted by a &u1= that you create and add to your advertiser partners' tracking link code. The value you create following the = sign represents your member, organization, or subsite. This identifier can be up to 72 alphanumeric characters in length.

When you run reports, this unique identifier will populate the member ID field, allowing you to distinguish between the items you are tracking. You can also run two different Signature reports in the Reporting Interface to track the commerce activity of your sites.

Implementing Signature

For instructions on adding the &u1 value to your links, view the Signature Implementation Guidelines.

Next Steps

Once you have implemented Signature, you can request enablement to receive the Signature Reconciliation Feed.

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