Download Product Catalog Data Feed Files


The Product Catalog data feed is made available to you via SFTP. The Rakuten SFTP server hostname is


While plain FTP is currently supported, it is strongly recommended that you use SFTP instead. Support for plain FTP will be deprecated in the future.

Product files are generated dynamically at the time of retrieval. This ensures that all publishers receive the most up-to-date product information when they retrieve advertisers’ Product Catalog files. The timeliness of the product information depends on the frequency with which advertisers update the information in their Product Catalog database.

Application Process

In order to access the Product Catalog data feed, you must first apply and be approved.

When you submit your application for Product Catalog, these steps are performed:

  • We establish a unique SFTP account on our servers from which you can download files.
  • A username and password are assigned to the SFTP account.

Within one business day, a Customer Support representative will respond to your request with your username, password, and the URL of your SFTP account.

SFTP Access

You can access your SFTP account using any SFTP client. You can also automate the process of downloading the file or do it manually.

You should set the transfer mode to binary before you start downloading files, as the files are stored in a compressed format. Using ASCII mode will corrupt the data in the file and render it useless. If you are using a script to automate the process of downloading the files, ensure that you do not open more than five connections to the SFTP server at one time.

Consult the Product Catalog Data Feed Implementation Guidelines for more detailed instructions on downloading data feed files.

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