Discrepancies in Reporting Data


As you analyze the data shown in your performance reports, you might notice that:

  • Not all your offers and advertiser partners are displayed.
  • You see sales on a day when you do not have impressions or clicks.

Below are the reasons for these situations.

Offers and Advertisers

Reports only display the offers and advertisers you have had activity for in the date range you select. If there are no impressions, clicks, or items for a specific offer or advertiser during that date range, the offer or advertiser will not be displayed in the report.


There could be several reasons you might see sales on a day when you did not have any impressions or clicks. These reasons may be as follows:

  1. The advertiser enabled return days, and the customer visited your site previously but returned directly to the advertiser's site later to complete their purchase. This means no impressions or clicks were generated on your site on the day the sale occurred.
  2. Advertisers may deem a transaction to be commissionable when an item is shipped or a verification occurs on a transaction, such as a form. Consult the advertiser’s Terms and Conditions or contact them directly to determine when a sale is deemed commissionable. You can find the advertiser’s contact information and Terms and Conditions in the About tab of their details page.

Contact Customer Support for further assistance with reports.

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