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Supporting HTTPS Links


We support ads to be served from the Rakuten Advertising Ad Servers using HTTPS and also support the click links to use HTTPS. The tracking links that Rakuten Advertising provides via the dashboard are secure (HTTPS). This is independent of the ability of the advertisers’ website to support HTTPS.

End-to-End Secure Links

  • If an advertiser is HTTPS compliant, then when clicking through on the affiliate link code that is copied from the dashboard, the advertiser landing page will also have an HTTPS URL.
  • If you need end-to-end secure links but the advertiser does not offer them, we suggest that you reach out to the advertiser directly. We are currently working with our advertisers, but it will ultimately be up to the advertisers to implement secure URLs across their websites.
  • If a publisher site is not secure (HTTP) and the advertiser links are HTTPS, there is no issue. Secure links are backward compatible with non-secure websites. 
  • There is a workaround in case you need an HTTPS link for an advertiser-hosted banner that is not HTTPS. You can copy the image to your own server and use your HTTPS link for the image in the link code. You will need to replace the image source URL indicated in red in the example below with your new HTTPS URL.
<a href=""><IMG alt="LinkShare Marketing Services" border="0" src=""></a><IMG border="0" width="1" height="1" src="">

Product Catalog

Product Catalog feeds now support publishing URLs in HTTPS format. This applies to both the product and product buy URL and the Impression Pixel URL. Secure versions of URLs are available for all feed types: primary, global, or additional, and all feed formats: full, delta, template, and category. 

Making Your Site Secure

While it is more complicated than just adding an ‘s’ to the 'HTTP'. Ask your tech team or web hosting provider for assistance.

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