Approvals Audit


During quieter seasons, we recommend you take time to ensure you get the most from our great selection of advertisers. A simple audit can improve your program's performance. Checking to see which programs you have applied to, been accepted to, or been rejected by is important housekeeping. 

Approval Audit

First, check the full advertiser list. Go to Advertisers then My Advertisers. This will allow you to find potential advertiser partnerships you have already applied for. You can use the filter options within the dashboard to narrow your search to make it all the more relevant. Here are some simple steps:

  1. Go to Advertisers, then My Advertisers. There are several options for sorting and filters including Pending, Declined (Temporary), New Partnership Opportunity, and more. 
  2. All the important information on the current advertisers you are partnered with is displayed for each advertiser when you click on their name.
  3. The Filters button at the top can help refine your search.
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