Publisher Recommendations for Advertisers


Our data science team has developed a matchmaking model called Partnership Discovery that recommends publishers to our advertisers. The recommendations are based on sales and performance data from similar publishers and advertisers. Recommendations appear in various locations in the Advertiser Dashboard. It is important to complete your channel information in the Publisher Dashboard for you to best position yourself and your site.


This information applies to all publishers interacting with advertisers in all networks except Japan.


In this example, the advertiser is in their dashboard looking for booksellers. 

Click on the image for a larger version.

Recommendation Criteria

These recommendations are generated on an advertiser-by-advertiser basis. The algorithm looks at these factors:

  • Who are the top publishers for that advertiser based on clicks, sales, and AOV?
  • Which advertisers in our network are similar to this advertiser?
  • Within that group of similar advertisers, which publishers are they working with who are similar to the top publishers for this advertiser?

Think of it this way. If a publisher succeeds with the advertiser’s peers, they will probably do well with that advertiser.

Optimize Your Profile

When you are recommended to an advertiser, the information we present comes from your account details. You might be missing an opportunity if your profile is incomplete, outdated, or poorly written.

To help with this, we occasionally fill in missing profile data using data found on your websites or other online sources.

Option to Dismiss Publishers

Advertisers can dismiss a recommendation so that a publisher is no longer recommended to them. However, the advertiser and the dismissed publisher will still be able to work together in our network.

Next Steps

Improve your visibility in the Advertiser Dashboard and update your account details.

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