Promoting your program will help ensure advertisers can find you and understand what you are offering. Below are some tips to help you with this process.
- Basic Marketing Analysis: Pull two reports, one from a recent quarter and one from the same quarter last year, and compare them. The Sales and Activity report is a good one to start with. Look for any patterns. Some advertisers generate more revenue during certain months. Create a list of advertisers you want to optimize your relationship with, and do some research.
- Marketing Calendar: Create a marketing calendar. Focus on important retail holidays and events and arrange placements and other opportunities around those dates.
Media Kit: Create or update your media kid. It does not need multiple pages, but you should display key information to help advertisers decide whether to purchase placements and promote their offers on your site. Provide statistics on your site and share success stories.
Provide key dates and site promotions. Let advertisers know you will promote key holidays to help push their products to shoppers. For example, pairing a candy advertiser with a Valentine’s Day promotion leads to more conversions.
Set your pricing, but do not dismiss an advertiser if they cannot meet your number. If you can work with Cost per Action (CPA), hybrid, exclusives, or vanity codes in exchange for exposure, this can go a long way for you and the advertiser. Review your sell sheet and rate card to get started.
- Get in touch with Advertisers: Send advertisers an email. Email addresses are available in your Publisher Dashboard on their Advertiser Profile. Reach out to potential partners using their preferred contact details. For in-person interactions, attend any of our global events. These are a great way to network and meet potential partners.
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