If you select direct deposit as your payment method in the Publisher Dashboard, you are prompted to enter your business address and bank account information. Your bank must be in the same country as your account address.
Direct deposit is available as a payment option in many countries. Below is a list of popular countries to help guide you. Click the + next to your country to see the required bank information:
- BSB Number: 6 digits, consisting of a 2-digit bank number, a 1-digit state number, and a 3-digit branch number.
- Account Number: 5-9 digits depending on the financial institution.
IBAN Number
IBAN Number
- Transit Number: 9 digits, consisting of a 4-digit institution number with a 5-digit branch number.
- Account Number: 7-12 digits depending on the financial institution.
IBAN Number
IBAN Number
Hong Kong
- HK Clearing Code: 6 digits, consisting of a 3-digit bank code and a 3-digit branch code.
- Account Number: 8-9 digits depending on the financial institution.
- IFSC Code: 11 characters, consisting of numbers or letters.
- Account Number: 9-18 digits depending on the financial institution.
IBAN Number
- CLABE (iACH): 18 digits made up of a 3-digit bank code, a 3-digit bank plaza code, an 11-digit account number, and a 1-digit check number.
New Zealand
- Bank Routing Code
- Account Number (iACH)
IBAN Number
- Secondary Routing Code: 8-digit number
- Account Number: 26-digit number
- Clearing Code: 7 digits consisting of a 4-digit bank code and a 3-digit branch code.
- Account Number (iACH)
United Kingdom
- Sort Code: 6-digit number
- Account Number: If less than 8 digits, add leading zeros.
United States
- ABA Number: 9-digit routing number
- Account Number
If you are not familiar with the information required, contact the financial institution where the account is held for assistance.
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