Non-Commissionable Sales Report


The Non-Commissionable Sales Report is one of the standard reports you can run in the Reporting Interface. View the instructions for accessing the report.

Report Summary

The Non-Commissionable Sales Report allows you to view transactions that did not result in commissions based on the terms of the offers in which you were participating. This report displays non-commissionable transactions that do not appear in other reports as well as the reason they were deemed ineligible for commission. Learn more about why your commissions may not be what you are expecting.

 Success Tip

The Non-commissionable Sales Report will often expose transactions missing from other sales reports, which may lead you to believe tracking is not working. This data lets you know which products or coupons to avoid promoting so you can adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

This is what a sample Non-Commissionable Sales Report looks like:

Click on the image for a larger version.


You can customize the report in many ways by adding or removing columns for various data fields.

Key Data

The Non-Commissionable Reason column indicates the reason a transaction was deemed non-commissionable. Here are the reasons you may see; click the + to see what they mean:

Return Exceeded
What it means: The number of return days allowed was exceeded.

Occurs when or if: a. The consumer was shopping on the advertiser's site, but not in the return day window. b. Time stamps were reported incorrectly. c. The consumer returned to the advertiser's site via a bookmarked landing page URL that contained a Site ID (SID). This would only happen in cases where we passed the SID directly to the landing page URL. d. The consumer copied the landing page URL containing the SID and made it available to others, by sending it to family and friends, for example. Again, this would only apply in cases where we pass the SID directly to the landing page URL.

SKU Does Not Match
What it means: The SKU does not exist in the offers’ SKU list.

Occurs when or if: The SKU of a certain item does not match with any SKU in the SKU list. SKUs are case-sensitive. Some advertisers exclude certain SKUs from commissions. Learn more about how to view an advertiser's policies, terms, and conditions.

What it means: The reported XML, NVP, or Pixel data is not in the correct format.

Occurs when or if: a. There are invalid characters submitted. b. There are missing values in the data submitted.

Invalid Trans_date or Created Date
What it means: Invalid date format.

Occurs when or if: The transaction could not be processed due to bad date format.

No Bid Level
What it means: The reported publisher (SID) has no relationship with the advertiser's program.

Occurs when or if: The publisher is not approved for the program.

Invalid SID
What it means: The SID is not valid.

Occurs when or if: a. There is no SID reported. b. The reported SID is incorrect. Be careful not to alter SIDs before reporting them.

Discount Amount > Total Order Amount
What it means: The reported amount value for the discount is greater than the positive commissionable balance for the Order ID.

Occurs when or if: Coupons or discounts have been submitted which result in a total value that is greater than the order subtotal.

Cannot find Original Order based on Order ID
What it means: The reported cancellations could not be processed as the Rakuten Affiliate network is unable to locate a commissionable sale based on the reported Order ID.

Occurs when or if: a. A different Order ID was reported for the cancellation. For example, the front-end order number for the sale, but the back-end order number for the cancellation. b. The sale transaction was never reported. c. The sale transaction was non-commissionable, or bad.

Cancel Amount > Total Order Amount
What it means: The reported amount value for the cancellation is greater than the positive commissionable balance for the Order ID.

Occurs when or if: a. Sale data was reported excluding shipping, tax, or value-added tax (VAT), but included shipping, tax, or VAT when reporting the cancellation. b. Data was reported including the sale data with discounts, but excluded any discounts when reporting the cancellation.

Cancellation Period Exceeded
What it means: The cancellation is reported more than 90 days after the corresponding sale. 90 days is the default window. This can be decreased via the True Lock feature.

Occurs when or if: The advertiser reported a cancellation or return more than 90 days from the original date of the transaction.

Invalid Currency
What it means: The currency type reported does not match the one that is accepted for your program.

Occurs when or if: The currency must be written using three alphanumeric characters, such as USD, CAD, GBP, JPY, or BRL. This must match the currency of the network that you participate in unless you have been set up to accept multiple currencies.

Transaction Update Window Exceeded
What it means: The transaction has been reported outside of the transaction window for that offer.

Occurs when or if: Certain advertisers use True Lock to set a specific window of 0 to 90 days after an order takes place during which you can update transactions in an order.

Invalid Amount
What it means: The amount reported for that transaction is not valid.

Occurs when or if: The sale data provided in the Amount column does not match the original transaction.

Dup non-commissionable transactions
What it means: The reported transaction has been previously processed as non-commissionable.

Occurs when or if: a. Data was resent in error. b. The advertiser does not aggregate same line item purchases, such as the purchase of two items as two transactions. c. The advertiser reports sales based on shipment, and the item was split-shipped.

Dup commissionable transactions
What it means: The reported transaction has been previously processed as commissionable.

Occurs when or if: a. Data was accidentally resent to the Rakuten Affiliate network. b. Line-item purchases, such as the purchase of two items, were submitted as two transactions instead of a singular transaction with multiple items. c. The advertiser tracks transactions based on shipment, sales were reported based on shipment, and the item was split-shipped.

Inactive Coupon Code
What it means: The coupon code reported for that transaction is not active.

Occurs when or if: The coupon code provided was created by the advertiser to be exclusive to a publisher or group of publishers of which you are not part, or the coupon code was used outside of its valid date range. To find out which code was invalid, customize the view and add the Order Coupon Code(s) and Item Coupon Code(s) columns to the report.

Non-Commissionable Coupon Code – Order
What it means: The coupon code reported for that order is non-commissionable.

Occurs when or if: The coupon code provided was set to non-commissionable by the advertiser. To find out which code was invalid, customize the view and add the Order Coupon code(s) and Item Coupon Code(s) columns to the report.

Non-Commissionable Coupon Code – Item
What it means: The coupon code reported for that item is non-commissionable.

Occurs when or if: The coupon code provided was set to non-commissionable by the advertiser. To find out which code was invalid, customize the view and add the Item Coupon Code(s) column to the report.

Learn more about the capabilities available in the Reporting Interface.

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