Signature Activity Report


The Signature Activity Report is one of the standard reports you can run in the Reporting Interface. View the instructions for accessing the report.

Report Summary

The Signature Activity Report records all the clicks generated from your affiliate links to your advertiser partner sites. If you use our Signature functionality, the u1 values you created are indicated in the member ID field of the report so you can track transactions to the level of each individual user.

This extra level of detail is not available to you if you do not use u1 values in your links, though you can still run the report to view all your link activity.

This is what a sample Signature Activity Report looks like:

Click on the image for a larger version.


You can customize the report in many ways by adding or removing columns for various data fields.

Additional Signature Reports

For a more advanced overview of transaction and payment data, you can use our Signature Reconciliation Feed Reports. These reports allow you to reconcile transaction information with payment information not available in other Signature Reports.

Learn more about the capabilities available in the Reporting Interface.

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