International Banking Information


Several payment options are available to you, which may vary based on your country of origin. Payments can only be direct deposited in a bank account with the same legal name and country address as your Rakuten Advertising account. There may be bank fees associated with currency conversions; contact your bank for more information. 

Rakuten Advertising requires direct deposits to an account with a bank with a Business Identifier Code (BIC). Additionally, European Union (EU) publishers must have an International Bank Account Number (IBAN).


You will not receive commissions if your bank does not have a BIC or if you are an EU-based publisher without an IBAN and BIC. Find out if your bank already has a BIC.

Funds Distribution

Depending on your location, international direct deposit can take 4 to 12 business days for funds to show in your account. 

Country of Declaration

Due to governmental restraints and taxation laws, we cannot send payments to any country other than the one declared in your account.


The Business Identifier Code (BIC) uniquely identifies the bank, the country, the town or city, and the branch of the banking institution. A BIC can be either 8 or 11 characters long.


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has designated the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) as the BIC registration authority, so the BIC is sometimes also known as the SWIFT code.


International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) identify bank accounts internationally, allowing international payments to be processed quickly. When you send money abroad, an IBAN identifies the recipient to ensure the funds reach the right account.

SWIFT is the formal registrar of the IBAN system. A typical IBAN contains 28-34 characters.


  • AA: The first two letters specify the country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
  • BB: The next two numbers are check digits, used to confirm the integrity of the code. 
  • CCCC: These four digits are the bank code.
  • DDDDDD: Branch or Sort code, identifying the branch. 
  • EEEEE: 8 to 16-digit account number.


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