Enable Reporting Visualizations


Our Reporting Interface has a flexible visualization platform that allows you to add a graph to any report and view metrics by almost any attribute you add to a report.

Turning On Visualizations

Once you have run a report in the Reporting Interface, click the Graph button to turn on the graph view:

selecting graph button.png

After our Reporting Engine completes your request, a graph visualization panel appears above the summary panel and the grid:

Click on the image for a larger version.

Default Visualization Behavior

When you first generate a report, your visualization will show you a standard default behavior. This default visualization shows the first alphabetic metric in your report on the Y-Axis by the transaction date of your report along the X-Axis.


Default visualization behavior is not editable.

Changing Visualizations

Our Visualizations tool is built so that you can change the metrics you want displayed. Select a new metric from either drop-down menu to change the visualization:

Click on the image for a larger version.

When you select an attribute instead of a date for the X-axis:

  • Data is displayed as a bar chart.
  • A sizing drop-down appears so you can choose between viewing the Top 10 or Top 25 results.


Changes to the report visualization cannot be saved.

Additional Information

For additional information on the values displayed, hover over any data point on the graph:

graph visualization hover.png


When visualizing your reports, consider the following restrictions:

  • Visualizations are not exportable along with your grid. If you would like to use visualization in a presentation or other materials, a screenshot of the generated visualization is the current recommendation.
  • Performance cannot be plotted at lower time dimensionality than one day.

Learn more about the capabilities available in the Reporting Interface.

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