Payment Options


Rakuten Advertising pays publisher commissions by PayPal, direct deposit (ACH), or check.

When setting your payment method in the Publisher Dashboard, keep the following in mind:

  • You can only select one method of payment for your account.
  • Your payment options are based on the country you are in and the network your advertiser partners belong to. Refer to the tables below to see the options available for you to receive commission payments specific to the country in which you are located.
  • Some advertiser networks and payment options are mutually exclusive. For example, if you select check payments, you will not receive payments for commissions earned for advertisers in networks who do not pay via check.
  • Checks and PayPal payments are made in the advertiser network currency: for example, commissions earned from advertisers in the US network are paid in USD.
  • Direct Deposit is paid in the local currency of your publisher account location.
  • Payoneer is not an available payment option.


Checks are mailed to the account address displayed in your Account details page.

Direct Deposit

Payments can only be deposited in a bank account with the same legal name and country address as your Rakuten Advertising account registration. There may be bank fees associated with the currency conversions. Contact your bank to better understand their policies.

You can find the necessary ABA routing number or SWIFT code and account information on your check or by contacting your bank. Enter your bank account information carefully. We are not responsible for verifying any account information or account ownership. If your account information changes or you want to deposit in a new or different account, change your bank account information in the Publisher Dashboard.


PayPal is widely available and a common choice that allows access to multiple networks. However, if you select PayPal, you will not be able to receive payments for commissions earned from advertisers in the Brazil network. Learn more about using PayPal.

Using the Payment Options Tables

Countries are grouped by payment options below. Find the country where your publisher account is based to view your options. If your country is not specifically listed, use the table in the All Other Countries section.

Each network is listed across the top row. Payment options are listed on the left.

Group 1

The countries belonging to this group are:

Argentina (AR) India (IN) Qatar (QA)
Bahamas (BS) Indonesia (ID) Romania (RO)
Bangladesh (BD) Israel (IL) Russia (RU)
Benin (BJ) Italy (IT) Senegal (SN)
Bulgaria (BG) Jamaica (JM) Singapore (SG)
Burkina Faso (BF) Japan (JP) Slovakia (SK)
Central African Republic (CF) Korea (KR) Slovenia (SI)
Chad (TD) Kuwait (KW) Sweden (SE)
China (CN) Latvia (LV) Taiwan (TW)
Colombia (CO) Liechtenstein (LI) Thailand (TH)
Congo (CG) Lithuania (LT) Togo (TG)
Cyprus (CY) Luxembourg (LU) Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
Denmark (DK) Macao (MO) Tunisia (TN)
Dominican Republic (DO) Malaysia (MY) Turkiye (TR)
Egypt (EG) Malta (MT) Ukraine (UA)
Equatorial Guinea (GQ) Monaco (MC) United Arab Emirates (AE)
Estonia (EE) New Zealand (NZ) Venezuela (VE)
Finland (FI) Norway (NO) Viet Nam (VN)
Gabon (GA) Pakistan (PK)  
Greece (GR) Peru (PE)  
Hong Kong (HK) Philippines (PH)  
Hungary (HU) Poland (PL)  
  Portugal (PT)  


The payment options available for these countries are:

Payment Option US Canada UK Australia France Germany Brazil
(paid in network currency)
X X - X - - -
Direct Deposit
(paid in local currency)
(paid in network currency)
X X X X X X -


Group 2

The countries belonging to this group are:

Australia (AU) Ireland (IE) Spain (ES)
Austria (AT) Mexico (MX) Switzerland (CH)
Belgium (BE) Netherlands (NL) United Kingdom (GB)
Canada (CA)   United States (US)
France (FR)    
Germany (DE)    


The payment options available for these countries are:

Payment Option US Canada UK Australia France Germany Brazil
(paid in network currency)
X X - - - - -
Direct Deposit
(paid in local currency)
(paid in network currency)
X X X X X X -


Brazil (BR)

The payment options available for Brazil (BR) are:

Payment Option US Canada UK Australia France Germany Brazil
(paid in network currency)
X X - X - - -
Direct Deposit
(paid in local currency)
- - - - - - X
(paid in network currency)
X X X X X X -


Niger (NG)

The payment options available for Niger (NG) are:

Payment Option US Canada UK Australia France Germany Brazil
(paid in network currency)
X X - X - - -
Direct Deposit
(paid in local currency)
- - - - - - -
(paid in network currency)
X X X X X X -


All Other Countries

The payment options available for all other countries not listed above are:

Payment Option US Canada UK Australia France Germany Brazil
(paid in network currency)
X X - X - - -
Direct Deposit
(paid in local currency)
- - - - - - X*
(paid in network currency)
X X X X X X -

*Only publishers located in specific countries can join the Brazil network. View the list of eligible countries.


Rakuten Advertising is not responsible for payments not received or for issues resulting from incorrect account information. Rakuten Advertising may cease or suspend payments at its sole discretion, with or without notice.

Rakuten Advertising will not verify authenticity or ownership of the information provided. Rakuten Advertising is not responsible for unauthorized changes to account information, including changes by users with access to your account login credentials.

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  • Want to be paid by check

  • Lisa, please contact Customer Support by email at or using the live chat Support icon at the lower right so they can understand your individual situation and personally assist you.


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