The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the legal framework governing the use of personal data in all markets in the EU and the UK. We encourage you to learn more about the aspects of the GDPR we believe are currently most relevant to the digital advertising industry.
It is important that you understand your obligations as a business for the GDPR and make any necessary amendments to be compliant. Due to the importance of complying with the regulation, we want to ensure you receive clear guidance and a consistent message from Rakuten Advertising. This article addresses several options for you to become GDPR-compliant with Rakuten Advertising depending on your use case. We are also available to help support you through the GDPR process to ensure your comply.
Available Options
If your use case is not captured below, contact Customer Support to discuss your situation and determine your options. Click the + to learn more about the options available depending on your use case:
If you use a cookie banner, you must ensure the following:
- Your cookie banner must meet the following criteria:
- You must have a cookie banner.
- It must state that the site uses cookies.
- It must state that the cookies are used for personalized ads. Verbiage such as “to provide a better user experience” is considered vague.
- It ideally links to your privacy policy, though this is not required.
- Rakuten Advertising must be listed as a third-party company using website cookies in your privacy policy.
- It must require a positive action, such as clicking an accept button, and be visible on subsequent pages until the user provides consent.
- There must be an easy way for users to opt out and change their choice. This can be implemented through third parties like the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA).
- Once you confirm your cookie banner meets the above criteria, configure your page to set the following JavaScript variable whenever consent is collected:
- Contact Customer Support to request the JavaScript cookie banner wrapper tag. The tag is implemented across your website within the <HEAD> section of the page and facilitates sharing the consent details collected by the cookie banner with the Rakuten Advertising system.
If you do not currently have a GDPR solution, Rakuten Advertising has developed a lightweight GDPR consent pop-up solution built within our Publisher Activation Tag. The Publisher Activation Tag is a compliance solution to collect and pass user consent signals to Rakuten Advertising at the time of the user's click on a Rakuten Advertising affiliate link.
The Publisher Activation Tag will be implemented across your website within the section of the page. As a consumer interacts with your site and clicks a Rakuten Advertising affiliate link, our solution will detect whether the consumer is in scope for GDPR and if consent has been provided previously. If we determine the consumer is in scope for GDPR but has not provided consent, we will display a pop-up when they exit your site to capture their consent. The pop-up states the following:
You are being Redirected
You are being redirected, using Rakuten Advertising technology, to a site sponsoring the link you just clicked. As part of this redirect, Rakuten Advertising may collect digital identifiers and information about how you interact with the offers presented so that we can bring the most relevant offers to you, and improve our advertising solutions.
To learn more, please click here, or proceed without accepting.
Contact Customer Support to request the JavaScript for the Publisher Activation Tag that you can implement on your site.
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