Account Details Page Overview

The Account page in the Publisher Dashboard displays account information and settings. Master users and users with specific custom permissions have full access to these details. Administrators, on the other hand, have limited access, primarily to manage user permissions and account settings. Regular users can access the page but not view the information in the tabs.


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To access the page, go to Account in the navigation header and click Account Details. From there, information is organized in the following tabs:

  • General: This tab includes your company information, tax declaration, and main contact information. It is visible to master users and users with specific custom permissions.
  • Payment Method: Include your preferred payment method. This tab is visible to master users and users with specific custom permissions.
  • Channels: This is where you can view and manage the marketing channels linked to your account. This tab is visible to master users, administrators, and users with specific custom permissions.
  • Users: This is where you can add, manage, or suspend the users on your account. This tab is visible to master users, administrators, and users with specific custom permissions.
  • Preferences: This tab indicates your email and currency preferences for the account display. It is visible to master users, administrators, and users with specific custom permissions.
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