Offers Tab


The Offers tab of an advertiser’s profile shows all offers available to you.

If you are not in the advertiser’s program, you can only see the advertiser’s public baseline offer. Click See full offer details for more information.

If you are partnered with the advertiser, you can view the offer you are participating in, any additional active, upcoming, or special offers the advertiser has made available to you, and your offer history, if applicable.


Your advertiser partners’ offers are organized in the following sections:

  • Active Offers: These offers are currently live. The radio button indicates the offers you are participating in.
  • Upcoming Offers: These are offers with a start date that is in the future.
  • Special Offers: These are active or upcoming offers that can be combined with the advertiser’s regular offers. Learn more about special offers.
  • Offers History: These are expired offers you formerly participated in.

All sections include a drop-down menu you can use to filter for a specific offer type, depending on what is available.

In each section, offers are listed along with key information such as their type, group offer ID, a summary of their commission terms, and their start and end date.

Quick View

Click an offer’s name to display its quick view. This includes the same key information listed above, the offer’s cookie window, and whether it is enabled for auto-renew and TrueLock. For additional information, click View full offer details.

Full Details

The offer details page displays key components of the offer, its type, commission rates and rules, and guidelines for approval into the advertiser’s program. Learn more about the different parts of an offer.

Available Actions

You can join or switch offers from the Offers tab and an offer’s details page. You will be prompted to accept its Terms and Conditions before proceeding. View the detailed instructions for joining and accepting advertiser offers.

You can also leave an offer from its full details page. However, doing so can revoke your partnership with the advertiser, so we recommend you learn more about leaving an offer before proceeding.


If you are interested in joining an offer from an advertiser you are not currently partnered with, you first need to apply to join their program.

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