Expand to New Regions and Networks


Rakuten Advertising has a global presence, and many advertisers in our affiliate program reach multiple countries. If you are considering expanding your own global presence, search for and apply to advertiser programs located in or shipping to additional countries. For the best results, ensure you are clear about your audience and where your users are.

For example, US publishers looking to branch into Asia-Pacific (APAC) to expand their offerings will need partners who ship to the US and APAC to add value and find success.

Network Differences

Research and understand the new market area and network variations:

Find Advertisers

Go to Advertisers in the navigation header of the Publisher Dashboard and click Find Advertisers. From there, you can run a search. You can filter your search by advertiser location and shipping options to find new options that work for you. The network an advertiser belongs to is displayed in the resulting Advertiser Detail Cards.

Marketing Channel

You can expand under your current marketing channel, also known as Site ID (SID). This allows you to keep all your performance and reporting data in one place.

However, suppose this expansion involves new marketing methods, such as adding social media or content creators. In that case, you can create a new channel to track and manage both in your Publisher Dashboard. New users can be added to your account and the channel as needed.


You can assign an individual email or distribution list to the contact information on the marketing channel details page.

Next Steps

As you grow your program, you can measure success in a specific network using the data columns available in the reporting interface.

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