Contact Advertisers by Email

You can contact Rakuten advertisers through email, whether or not you are partnered with them.

  1. Click on the Advertisers tab and then either My Advertisers or Find Advertisers.
  2. Locate the advertiser you wish to contact and click their name or View full details to access their details page.
  3. Under the About tab, scroll down to the Contact section. Their email will be listed there.

    Click on the image for a larger version.

  4. Since the email is hyperlinked, it should open in your personal email system when you click on it. If not, you can copy and paste or type it into the email.

 Publisher Messaging Interface Availability

There are currently two Publisher Dashboards. The internal messaging interface is not available in the New Publisher Dashboard (beta). To check for incoming internal messages from advertisers, use the Legacy Dashboard. Toggle back to the Legacy Publisher Dashboard and go to the Messages tab, then General Messages, and then Inbox to check.

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