There are currently two Publisher Dashboards. The Legacy Publisher Dashboard is still accessible while important features are migrated to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta).
The Publisher Dashboard provides easy access to all your information along with tools to manage your account and analyze your results. This article highlights the features available in your dashboard.
Depending on your user permissions, you might not have access to all the sections listed in this article.
Upon logging in, you are brought directly to the Overview section of the dashboard. The Overview section displays reports on your performance in terms of Commission, Average Order Value (AOV), Conversion, and Sales:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Dashboard Language
The current language is indicated in the footer at the bottom of any dashboard page. To change your language, click on the nine-dot menu at the top right of the page. Then click View profile and scroll down to the User Preferences to select the desired language.
The Advertisers section is where you manage and grow your partnerships:
- Use the Find New Advertisers page to search for new partners.
- Use the Find Advertiser Offers page to search for offers from all advertisers, regardless of partnership status.
- Use the My Advertisers page to view a list of the advertisers you are partnered with and any advertisers who have invited you to join their program. Click an advertiser’s name to access their details page.
The Links section is where you find and generate your partners’ link code to place on your site:
- Use the Find Links page to search for Text, Banner, or Product links.
- Use the Link Tools page to create deep links and install Automate.
- If you are enabled for product feeds, use the Product Feeds page to make selections for your feed settings and apply for access to your partners’ feeds.
The Reports section is where you can run reports to track and analyze your program performance:
The Account section is where you can manage your account and payments:
Currently, you can only set up or change your payment method settings from the Legacy Publisher Dashboard. View instructions for managing payment settings in the Legacy Publisher Help Center.
- Use the Account Details page to view or edit your company and tax information, your payment method, the channels and users associated with your account, and your currency preferences.
- Use the Payments page to review your commissions, payment history, and advertiser invoices.
- Use the Transaction Inquiries (beta) page to submit information about sales or orders referred by your site that do not appear as credited in your reports.
Click Search to open the search box and find advertisers, offers, or links:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Announcements regarding offers, partnership opportunities, and more are displayed in the Notifications drawer:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Account Switcher
If your account includes more than one channel, use the account switcher to access another channel:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Nine-Dot Menu
Click the nine-dot menu to access links to the Legacy Publisher Dashboard, the Developer Portal, and your profile, and to log out of your account:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
You will find a support widget at the bottom right of every page of the dashboard:
Type in a keyword or question and the widget will populate with several article suggestions from the Help Center. If none of these seem helpful, click the Contact Us button to request a callback, live chat with one of our outstanding customer support agents, or leave a message:
Release Notes
You will find a release notes widget at the bottom left of every page of the dashboard:
Click the widget to find more information about updates and feature suggestions.
Next Steps
View instructions for logging in to the dashboard.
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