Adding Users to Marketing Channels


To grant an account user access to a marketing channel, you need to add them to the channel in your Publisher Dashboard. This can be done by the organization owner (also known as master user) or an administrator.


If your account only has a single user, you will need to add a user to your account before you can add them to the channel.


You can add users to a channel from the Current channels view or the channels details page; click the + to view instructions:

From the Current Channels View
  1. Go to Account in the navigation header and select Account Details.
  2. Click the Channels tab to access your current channels.
  3. Identify the channel, click the three-dot menu next to its name, and click Add users. This option may be greyed out if all users in your account are already part of the channel, meaning you have no additional users to add. 
  4. Select the user you wish to add and click Save.
From the Channels Details Page
  1. Go to Account in the navigation header and select Account Details.
  2. Click the Channels tab.
  3. Identify the channel and either click on its name or click the three-dot menu and select View Details.
  4. From the Users section, click the three-dot menu and click the Add users to channel button. This option may be greyed out if all users in your account are already part of the channel, meaning you have no additional users to add. 
  5. Select the checkbox next to the user you want to add to the channel and click Add users. You can select more than one user at a time.

Next Steps

Once you have added a user, you can manage their access to the channel.

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